Emailed Akashic Records Reading
The Akashic Record Readings are delivered directly to your inbox as a comprehensive 20-26 page PDF document. This format allows you to reflect on the information multiple times, helping you to fully integrate the insights into your life. You will receive a detailed Akashic Record reading that will tell you about the following aspects of your life purpose and soul:
Your energy center of training (what governs your soul drives and what you bring to others in this lifetime)
The soul trainings you have done in between lifetimes and what this means for who you are now
Your soul group of origin
Your primary life lesson (why you choose the experiences you do, and how they fit into your soul’s path). We will also look at one or two secondary life lessons
The roles that you fulfill in this lifetime and other gifts of your soul
Your strongest intuitive gifts at this time
The periods of history you have incarnated during that have had the most impact on your soul’s evolution
Any spiritual/religious/traditions that have been a part of your soul’s path
A chakra scan to see where any stagnant energy or trauma is currently being held
At checkout, you will be asked to fill out a few personal information questions for me to access your Akashic records. Once purchased, please e-mail a photo of yourself to This is to help me better tune into your energy. The photo of you should have:
No filters
Eyes clearly visible
No one else in the photo (people, pets)
No one else’s energy in the background (e.g. no cropping of an arm or scribbling out a person’s head)
Must be a recent picture, ideally from within the last 2 years
The Akashic Record Readings are delivered directly to your inbox as a comprehensive 20-26 page PDF document. This format allows you to reflect on the information multiple times, helping you to fully integrate the insights into your life. You will receive a detailed Akashic Record reading that will tell you about the following aspects of your life purpose and soul:
Your energy center of training (what governs your soul drives and what you bring to others in this lifetime)
The soul trainings you have done in between lifetimes and what this means for who you are now
Your soul group of origin
Your primary life lesson (why you choose the experiences you do, and how they fit into your soul’s path). We will also look at one or two secondary life lessons
The roles that you fulfill in this lifetime and other gifts of your soul
Your strongest intuitive gifts at this time
The periods of history you have incarnated during that have had the most impact on your soul’s evolution
Any spiritual/religious/traditions that have been a part of your soul’s path
A chakra scan to see where any stagnant energy or trauma is currently being held
At checkout, you will be asked to fill out a few personal information questions for me to access your Akashic records. Once purchased, please e-mail a photo of yourself to This is to help me better tune into your energy. The photo of you should have:
No filters
Eyes clearly visible
No one else in the photo (people, pets)
No one else’s energy in the background (e.g. no cropping of an arm or scribbling out a person’s head)
Must be a recent picture, ideally from within the last 2 years
The Akashic Record Readings are delivered directly to your inbox as a comprehensive 20-26 page PDF document. This format allows you to reflect on the information multiple times, helping you to fully integrate the insights into your life. You will receive a detailed Akashic Record reading that will tell you about the following aspects of your life purpose and soul:
Your energy center of training (what governs your soul drives and what you bring to others in this lifetime)
The soul trainings you have done in between lifetimes and what this means for who you are now
Your soul group of origin
Your primary life lesson (why you choose the experiences you do, and how they fit into your soul’s path). We will also look at one or two secondary life lessons
The roles that you fulfill in this lifetime and other gifts of your soul
Your strongest intuitive gifts at this time
The periods of history you have incarnated during that have had the most impact on your soul’s evolution
Any spiritual/religious/traditions that have been a part of your soul’s path
A chakra scan to see where any stagnant energy or trauma is currently being held
At checkout, you will be asked to fill out a few personal information questions for me to access your Akashic records. Once purchased, please e-mail a photo of yourself to This is to help me better tune into your energy. The photo of you should have:
No filters
Eyes clearly visible
No one else in the photo (people, pets)
No one else’s energy in the background (e.g. no cropping of an arm or scribbling out a person’s head)
Must be a recent picture, ideally from within the last 2 years